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DTU Findit

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Provided by DTU Library. AccessEngineering is an online engineering reference tools containing full-text handbooks, as well as instructional, faculty made videos, calculators, interactive tables and charts.

Space Research Chemistry Construction and Mechanics Energy Electrotechnology Physics Earth Sciences Materials

ACM Digital Library

Provided by DTU Library. ACM Digital Library covers IT and computer science. It contains bibliographical references, conference proceedings, reviews as well as journal and newsletter articles published by the Association for Computing Machinery and affiliated organisations (such as ACL, SIGCAS, SIGGRAPH). Records go back to the 1950s. Content is integrated with and searchable in DTU Findit.

Information Technology Construction and Mechanics Electrotechnology Mathematics Physics

AES E-Library

Provided by DTU Library. AES E-Library covers audio technology. The tool contains a collection of articles and documents published by the Audio Engineering Society, including convention papers, conference papers, engineering briefs, technical documents, and standards. Records go back to 1935.

Electrotechnology Medicine and Medico Technology


Provided by DTU Library. Altinget is a Danish news site that offers information on the latest political developments related to Danish (and European) policy, including parliamentary debates, features, interviews, letters to the editor. The website also links to relevant supplementary sites. In Danish.

American Chemical Society

Provided by DTU Library. American Chemical Society Publications covers a wide variety of subjects within the field of chemistry. Records go back to 1996, while archival coverage of selected titles goes back to 1879. Content is integrated with and searchable in DTU Findit.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Physics Materials


Suggested by DTU Library. ArXiv covers physics, mathematics, non-linear science, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative physics, and statistics. ArXiv contains literature from 1991 onwards. ArXiv is an Open Access archive, and thus provides full-text access to its records for free. Content is integrated with and searchable in DTU Findit.

Space Research Information Technology Mathematics Physics

ASM Handbooks

Provided by DTU Library. ASM Handbooks covers information on ferrous and non-ferrous metals and materials technology. Maintained by The American Society for Metals (ASM), the database contains 30 ASM Handbook volumes, comprising more than 25.000 pages of articles, illustrations, graphs, specifications, performance charts, and processing guidelines. Updated quarterly.

Chemistry Construction and Mechanics Physics Materials

ASTM Compass

Provided by DTU Library. ASTM Compass provides access to standards, journals, manuals, monographs, research reports, and technical publications published by The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Content is integrated with and searchable in DTU Findit. Access using DTU VPN or on Campus. Please note that ASTM Compass are only available when using an Edge or Chrome browser

Chemistry Construction and Mechanics Electrotechnology Physics Materials Standards


BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine)

Provided by DTU Library. BASE covers all major scientific research areas from life science to arts & literature. BASE contains Open Access records (books, articles, reports, thesis, reviews, images, audio-visual material, software, primary data, and sheet music). Full-text access is available for most of the records. BASE is especially useful when looking for "grey literature".

Search and visualization tools


Provided by DTU Library. Beilstein is integrated in Reaxys, a database that merges the content of the Beilstein Database (organic chemistry), the Gmelin Database (inorganic chemistry and organometallics), and the Patent Chemistry Database. Reaxys covers periodicals including published experimental facts. Records go back to 1771.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Food Fish and Agriculture Physics Materials


Suggested by DTU Library. Bibliotek.dk gives you access to all materials found in Danish libraries (both public and research libraries). You can place an order from any library in Denmark, and have the materials delivered directly to your local library, if you are registered as a member there.


Provided by DTU Library. BioBase contains information on Genome Trax, HGMD (Human Gene Mutation Database), TRANSFAC (Transcription Factor Binding Sites), PROTOME, PGMD (The PharmacoGenomic Mutation Database) and ExPlain. Genome Trax and HGMD may be downloaded. Online access for 2 simultaneous DTU users. You must create an account in order to use the databases.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Medicine and Medico Technology


Provided by DTU Library. BioCyc is a collection of Pathway/Genome Databases (PGDBs) and provides a reference on the genomes and metabolic pathways of thousands of sequenced organisms. The BioCyc website provides a suite of software tools for database searching and visualization, for omics data analysis, and for comparative genomics and comparative pathway questions.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Medicine and Medico Technology

Biopolymers Online

Provided by DTU Library. Biopolymers Online is a reference work that outlines the occurrence, metabolism, and applications of all important biopolymer classes. It contains articles, figures, tables, and includes extensive patent information. Content is integrated with and searchable in DTU Findit.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Medicine and Medico Technology


Provided by DTU Library. Bisnode, formerly known as Greens Online, and also known as “Navne & numre” is a database that offers information about Danish companies, industry and the public sector. It contains facts and figures and general information about major companies and individuals from both the public and the private sector. In Danish.



Provided by DTU Library. Branddata is a reference work for those who work with fire safety in construction. Here you get a quick overview of relevant laws and government requirements as well as access to all DBI’s guidelines and instructions. To access Branddata please download the LockeLizard tool from the Branddata website. Choose the “DTU License” when prompted.

Construction and Mechanics Materials

BRENDA (Beaunschweig Enzyme Database)

Suggested by DTU Library. BRENDA is a comprehensive tool covering molecular and biochemical information on enzymes. The Enzymes are linked to references from PubMED.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Food Fish and Agriculture Medicine and Medico Technology

Business Source Premier

Provided by DTU Library. Business Source Premier covers business, marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance, and economics. Full-text records go back to 1886 and searchable cited references go back to 1998.

Production and Management Transport and Logistics Business


Provided by DTU Library. BYG-ERFA covers building and construction technology. BYG-ERFA consists of a collection of leaflets that describe practical solutions to a wide range of recurring problems in construction work. BYG-ERFA leaflets are put together and maintained by specialists from leading research institutions in Denmark. NOTE: Choose WAYF login at the log-in page. In Danish.

Construction and Mechanics Energy Environment and Pollution Earth Sciences


Provided by DTU LIbrary. Molio Byggedata covers building and construction technology. Molio Byggedata serves as an entry point for information about Danish construction and building legislation. In addition, the site contains standards, forms, and general information about civil engineering and project planning. In Danish.

Construction and Mechanics Energy Environment and Pollution Earth Sciences



Provided by DTU Library. Cabell´s list is a searchable, and curated database of academic verified and reputable journals. Cabell´s contains a list of qualitative journals called Journalytics, to choose when publishing, and a second list called Predatory Reports, to help avoid predatory journals.

Cambridge Structural Database (WebCSD)

Provided by DTU Library. WebCSD contains information about small-molecule organic and metal-organic crystal 3D structures from x-ray and neutron diffraction analyses. Each structure has been validated, and database items are enriched with bibliographic, chemical and physical property information. Desktop applications can be downloaded, using a Site Number and a Confirmation Code. Please contact elibrary@dtu.dk to receive the codes and link to the download page.

Chemistry Construction and Mechanics Energy Physics Earth Sciences Materials


Used by DTU Library Staff. Organizes search results into topics and clusters. Data from PubMed and open web sources. Great but limited tool to get inspiration for new keywords and context for further searches. Added to DTU Other search tools July 2023.

Search and visualization tools


Used by DTU Library Staff. Requires login. ChatGPT is a Generative AI using LLM (large language model) from data ALL over the internet. The free version of ChatGPT uses a dataset, that contains data until September 2021. Please beware, that references generated by this ‘bot’ might be a so-called hallucination. Do not enter sensitive information in your ‘prompts’. You can upgrade to Pro, and then you might get ‘real internet links and real references’ when asking your new friend, but keep you ‘sceptical mind intact’ when using this new, interesting tool. Added to DTU Other search tools July 2023.

Search and visualization tools

Chemical Watch

Provided by DTU Library. Chemical Watch provides of independent intelligence and insight for product safety professionals managing chemicals. Products and services include online news, resources and tools, global conferences, training events, eLearning and analyst services. Please note: To get access, please contact: elibrary@dtu.dk


Cochrane Library

Suggested by DTU Library. The Cochrane Library is an online resource that contains information on the effects of interventions within the health services – i.e. evidence-based medicine, clinical practice and health care. Consists of 7 individual databases, including The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Cochrane Reviews).

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Medicine and Medico Technology


Danmarks Statistikbank

Suggested by DTU Library. Danmarks Statistiskbank is the national statistical information database of Denmark. Data can be exported in several file formats and presented as diagrams or maps.

Dansk Byggeskik

Suggested by DTU Library. Dansk Byggeskik is a portal that contains a wealth of information in relation to construction and architectural engineering. It focuses mainly on the maintenance and preservation of buildings and materials. Content includes historical full-text reports, standards, regulations and some older SBI Anvisninger. In Danish.

Construction and Mechanics

Dansk Standard

Provided by DTU Library. Dansk Standard contains all Danish standards and international standards that have been implemented in Denmark (i.e. DS/EN, DS/IEC or DS/ISO). You have immediate access to all standards. In order to use DS Distribute and access the full-text standards you need to have a DTU login and have connection to DTU network. Walk-in use at DTU Library is only available for DTU or WAYF-users.


Danske Bygningsmodeller

Suggested by DTU Library. Danske Bygningsmodeller is an online portal that offers access to 3D-models of - primarily Danish - buildings and building techniques from 1850 till today. In Danish.

Construction and Mechanics


Suggested by DTU Library. Dataforsyningen gives a direct access to open public geographical data via maps (kortvisning), webservices, web applications, API’s og download.

Search and visualization tools Construction and Mechanics Energy Environment and Pollution Physics Transport and Logistics

Den store danske encyklopædi

Suggested by DTU Library. The Danish national encyclopedia (free version) contains articles and entries on a wide range of subjects. Also known as Gyldendals åbne encyclopædi. In Danish.

Derwent Innovations Index

Provided by DTU Library. Derwent Innovations Index is a patents database that covers value-added patent records from Derwent World Patents Index with patent citation information from Patents Citation Index. The records include links to full-text patent documents.


Det Norske Veritas (DNV GL)

Suggested by DTU Library. DNV GL forms the world’s leading ship and offshore classification society. The site contains certification guidelines, standards and regulations. Offshore includes renewables like wind, wave and tidal, and solar.

Construction and Mechanics Energy Earth Sciences

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)

Suggested by DTU Library. As indicated by the name, DOAB provides an overview of academic, peer-reviewed books that are available Open Access. Content is integrated with and searchable in DTU Findit.

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Suggested by DTU Library. Directory of Open Access Journals, DOAJ, provides an overview of scholarly, peer-reviewed journals that are available Open Access. Content is integrated with and searchable in DTU Findit.


Ebsco Open Dissertations

Suggested by DTU Library. EBSCO and BiblioLabs work together to ensure access to Dissertations. EBSCO Open Dissertations are free for authors of ETDs as well as the participating institutions and it’s meant to increase traffic and interest.

EBSCOhost Web

Provided by DTU Library. EBSCOhost covers science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities, business studies, and environmental science. EBSCOhost offers access to 7 full-text databases - two of which (Academic Search Elite and Business Source Premier) are integrated with and searchable in Findit.

Construction and Mechanics Energy Production and Management Transport and Logistics Medicine and Medico Technology


Suggested by DTU Library. With EconBiz you search for scholarly literature within the fields of economics & business studies. The service is provided by ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, but do also include Open Databases like RePEC - Research Papers in Economics, and BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine).



Used by DTU Library Staff. Requires login. Elicit is an AI research assistant using language models like ChatGPT-3. You can ask a question and Elicit will show/locate relevant papers and provide summaries of key information about those papers in a visual table. The tool harvest metadata from the Semantic Scholar Academic Graph dataset. Added to DTU Other search tools July 2023.

Search and visualization tools

Encyclopedia of Two-Phase Heat Transfer and Flow I. Fundamentals and Methods.

Provided by DTU Library. Encyclopedia of Two-Phase Heat Transfer and Flow - Part I consists of 4 volumes: Volume 1: Modeling of Gas Liquid Flow in Pipes. Volume 2: Condensation Heat Transfer. Volume 3: Flow Boiling in Macro and Microchannels. Volume 4: Special Topics in Pool and Flow Boiling.

Construction and Mechanics Energy Physics Chemistry

Encyclopedia of Two-Phase Heat Transfer and Flow II. Special Topics and Applications

Provided by DTU Library. Encyclopedia of Two-Phase Heat Transfer and Flow 2 - Part II consists of 4 volumes: Volume 1: Special Topics in Boiling in Microchannels / Micro-Evaporator Cooling Systems. Volume 2: Boiling Using Enhanced Surfaces. Volume 3: Special Topics in Condensation. Volume 4: Numerical Modeling of Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer.

Construction and Mechanics Energy Physics Chemistry


Provided by DTU Library. EnergiWatch is a news site that covers the energy business, i.e. energy companies, oil and gas, renewable energy, cleantech, politics, and markets.

Construction and Mechanics Energy Environment and Pollution Production and Management Transport and Logistics Earth Sciences

Environmental Product Declaration

Suggested by DTU Library. Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) present transparent, verified and comparable information about the life-cycle environmental impact of products. The International EPD System is a global programme for environmental declarations based on ISO 14025 and EN 15804. The online database currently contains more than 1100 EPDs for a wide range of product categories by organisations in 48 countries. Please note: This link is for the free version of EPD, and is not full text supported by DTU Library.

Earth Sciences Environment and Pollution Production and Management

ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center)

Suggested by DTU Library. ERIC covers educational research and contains journal articles, conference papers, government documents, theses, and audiovisual media. The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education and is one of the world’s leading online resources for educational research.

Space Research Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Information Technology Construction and Mechanics Energy Electrotechnology Environment and Pollution Food Fish and Agriculture Mathematics Production and Management Physics Transport and Logistics Medicine and Medico Technology Earth Sciences Materials


Suggested by DTU Library. Espacenet is a worldwide patent database that enables you to search for information about published patent applications from over 70 different countries and regions. A great supplement to Derwent Innovation.

Space Research Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Information Technology Construction and Mechanics Energy Electrotechnology Environment and Pollution Food Fish and Agriculture Mathematics Production and Management Physics Transport and Logistics Medicine and Medico Technology Earth Sciences Materials Patents

Essential Science Indicators

Provided by DTU Library. Essential Science Indicators is a tool that allows you to measure scientific impact and identify emerging trends within various fields of science.

Space Research Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Information Technology Construction and Mechanics Energy Electrotechnology Environment and Pollution Food Fish and Agriculture Mathematics Production and Management Physics Transport and Logistics Medicine and Medico Technology Earth Sciences Materials

European Chemicals Agency - ECHA

Suggested by DTU Library. European Chemicals Agency, ECHA. is the driving force in implementing the EU chemical legislation, and as such provides information on chemicals and addresses chemicals of concern. For example, you find information on the chemicals manufactured and imported in Europe, their hazardous properties, classification, and safe use.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Environment and Pollution Food Fish and Agriculture

European Pharmacopoeia - 11th edition & previous edition

Provided by DTU Library. European Pharmacopoeia contains information about the qualitative and quantitative composition of medicines, the tests to be carried out on medicines, the raw materials used in the production of medicines and the intermediates of synthesis. Note: Please email elibrary@dtu.dk to be able to get access. Personal login is required and provides you with access to current and previous editions via https://pheur-edqm-eu.proxy.findit.cvt.dk/home

European Pharmacopoeia is NOT for walk-in use. You need to have a DTU Login to use/search European Pharmacopoeia and be a registered user.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Environment and Pollution Food Fish and Agriculture Standards



Provided by DTU Library. FødevareWatch is a news site that deals with food science, nutrition, and agriculture/fishery.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Food Fish and Agriculture


Gartner Group

Provided by DTU. Covers Gartner Group’s database about ”Core IT-research for Higher Education”. Over 100,000 research articles, including ”Magic Quadrants” and ”Hype Cycles”. Please, use the above link to log in. The first time you use the link, you must log in as Active Directory user, next time it is done by single sign on.


Provided by DTU Library. Gmelin is a database with Inorganic and metal-organic compounds. The Database is searchable via the Reaxys platform.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Energy Environment and Pollution Food Fish and Agriculture Physics Medicine and Medico Technology Materials

Google Books

Suggested by DTU Library. Google Books is a supplement to the libraries’ ebook and printed book collections. You can see snippets of the many books, some will be available in full text, for others, only table of contents is available.

Google Dataset search

Suggested by DTU Library. Google Dataset Search discovers datasets from all kinds of subjects - and is hosted in thousands of repositories across the Web. The tool provides access to more than 25 mill Datasets, aimed at students, researchers, data geeks, and data scientists. You will be linked to the original Data repository from Google Dataset Search engine.

Google Patents

Suggested by DTU Library. Google Patents covers the entire collection of granted patents and published patent applications from USPTO (US patents), EPO (European patents), and WIPO (World patents). US patent documents date back to 1790, EPO and WIPO to 1978.

Google Scholar

Suggested by DTU Library. Google Scholar covers scholarly literature from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities, etc. DTU Library provides full-text linking facilities to licensed materials found in Google Scholar (only available with DTU login).


Suggested by DTU Library. GreenFILE is a free research database focusing on the relationship between human beings and the environment. Featuring hundreds of scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports, GreenFILE offers a unique perspective on the positive and negative ways humans affect the ecology. You may also access GreenFILE via EBSCOhost which will give you access to the full-text documents.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Construction and Mechanics Energy Environment and Pollution Food Fish and Agriculture Transport and Logistics Materials


Handbook of Chemistry and Physics

Provided by DTU Library. The Handbook of Chemistry and Physics also known in Denmark as "Gummibiblen" contains facts about chemical and physical data as well as substances. Use Chrome or Firefox as browser.

Handbook of Heterogeneous Catalysis

Provided by DTU Library. This handbook collates the knowledge available on heterogeneous catalysis, providing easy-to-find yet comprehensive information. Contains articles by leading experts in catalysis, covering all aspects of the subject, from the physico-chemical foundations to large-scale industrial applications.




Suggested by DTU Library. ICONDA CIB Library is an online repository for CIB (International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction) and CIB-related publications: conference proceedings, books, reports, and journal articles. Use DTU Findit to locate full-text for journal articles and conference papers.

Construction and Mechanics Energy Physics Transport and Logistics Materials

IEEE Xplorer

Provided by DTU Library. IEEE Xplorer covers electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics. It contains journals, magazines, conference proceedings, standards and bibliographic information about books. Content is integrated with and searchable in DTU Findit.

Space Research Information Technology Electrotechnology Mathematics Standards


Used by DTU Library Staff. Inciteful is a tool that can help you build a network (visual graph) of academic papers and help you analyze the network in order to help you discover new and relevant literature. You can add a DOI or similar, as well as upload a bibtex file. A tool that looks a bit like ConnectedPapers, ResearchRabbit or Litmaps. Added to DTU Other search tools April 2024.

Search and visualization tools


Provided by DTU Library. INFOMEDIA contains articles from all the major Danish newspapers, a lot of Danish journals and magazines, local newspapers as well as web sources and news agencies.


Provided by DTU Library. Ingeniøren is a danish news site that offers information on Technology, Science and IT from both a Danish and International perspective.

Engineering Technology IT

Inorganic Crystal Structure Database

Provided by DTU Library. The Inorganic Crystal Structure database gives you access to search for inorganic crystals and their structure. You can enter queries for the elements, SUM formula, structure formula - Space Groups, Mineral names and so forth. You can also search with structure searching using Jmol (works with Java-enabled browsers).

Chemistry Energy Mathematics Physics Earth Sciences Materials

Inspec Analytics

Provided by DTU Library. Inspec analytics is a service from the IET based on the highly respected Inspec abstracting and indexing database. The tool exposes key relationships between institutions, authors, articles and concepts. Your access to Inspec Analytics is based on your IP address.

Inspec Direct

Inspec Direct: Provided by DTU Library. Inspec Direct allows you to pinpoint relevant literature quickly from over 21 million records, covering over 4,500 global journals and spanning more than 50 years. Inspec Direct is a collection of curated, reliable content and covers the following subject fields: Physics & Astrophysics; Electrical & Electronic Engineering; Computing & Control; Production & Manufacturing Engineering. The metadata is also searchable in DTU FindIt.

Engineering Physics Computer Science


Provided by DTU Library. iThenticate is a widely used tool for text similarity screening of scientific texts.The tool is designed to help identify text overlaps with already published texts. It can be used for text screening of all types of scientific texts, including research articles, PhD theses, conference abstracts and grant applications. You can also use the tool to identify missing source citations in quoted texts. Employees should contact DTU Library at iThenticate@dtu.dk to create an account.


Journal Citation Report

Provided by DTU Library. Journal Citation Reports is a comprehensive and unique resource that allows you to evaluate and compare journals using citation data drawn from over 7,500 scholarly and technical journals from more than 3,300 publishers in over 60 countries.


Provided by DTU Library. JSTOR is a full-text online backfile of core scholarly journals on many subjects. JSTOR’s full-text coverage begins at the first issue of each journal and usually ends within five years of the present. A new feature (beta) makes it easy to perform a sort of "text mining" on the full-text content in order to track and extract new keywords for further investigation and searching. Content is integrated with and searchable in DTU Findit.



Used by DTU Library staff. Requires login if you like to take full benefits of the tool. Keenious is developed in Norway, and it is an Artificial Intelligence driven search engine & recommender tooo, that can analyze a document (i.e. a specific PDF or your own text) and recommend other relevant research papers based on this document analysis. Can be used as an supplementary search tool - and you can also use an add-in for MS Word og Google Docs when writing. Have a look at it, it develops all the time. Added to DTU Other search tools July 2023

Search and visualization tools


Provided by DTU and DTU Library. The Kemibrug database contains factual information and guidelines for the use of chemicals, design of labels and chemical APV. It is in collaboration between Copenhagen University, Aalborg University, University of Southern Denmark and DTU. Note, that login is needed when indexing or editing or registering substances. Please contact DTU Library at 4525 7250 for more.

Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology

Provided by DTU Library. Kirk-Othmer covers a wide scope of articles on chemical substances—including their properties, manufacturing, and uses. It also focuses on industrial processes and unit operations in chemical engineering and covers fundamentals and scientific subjects related to the field. Environmental and health issues concerning chemical technology are also addressed.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Construction and Mechanics Environment and Pollution Food Fish and Agriculture Physics Medicine and Medico Technology Materials


Provided by DTU Library. Knovel provides general reference and best practice insights, process and design applications, material and substance properties data, and equations for specific engineering disciplines. Lots of e-books available in the collection as well.

Chemistry Construction and Mechanics Electrotechnology Mathematics Production and Management Physics Materials


Landolt-Börnstein New Series - via Springer Materials

Provided by DTU Library. Springer Materials covers the physical and chemical properties of materials. The content is based on the Landolt-Börnstein New Series which covers elementary particles, condensed matter, multi-phase systems, thermodynamic properties and much more.

Space Research Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Construction and Mechanics Environment and Pollution Physics Earth Sciences Materials


Suggested by DTU Library. Legatbogen is a free danish search engine that contains information for several organizations where funding can be applied. The tool also provides guidance on how to apply for funding as a student in higher education.

Lex - Danmarks Nationalleksikon

Suggested by DTU Library. Lex - Danmarks Nationalleksikon is an encyclopedia written in Danish. The contributions are from scientists and researchers from Denmark, and the content is collected and provided from several national collections and encyclopedias, like Danish Bibliographic Encyclopedia, Trap Denmark, Den Store Danske, and more.

Search and visualization tools


Used by DTU Library staff. Requires login (free version is limited in use). Litmaps is a website that can help with academic literature discovery and provide a better understanding of the results you find. Litmaps track open access metadata from providers such as Crossref and Semantic Scholar. The results are presented in ‘citation networks’ and clusters. And you can easily build up a collection of topic related papers for your research or studies. Added to DTU Other search tools July 2023

Search and visualization tools



Provided by DTU Library. MathSciNet is a comprehensive database covering the world’s mathematical literature since 1940. MathSciNet provides access to the bibliographic data and reviews of mathematical research literature contained in the Mathematical Reviews Database. It is possible to access full-text articles from subscription paid licenses via a link to DTU Findit or the original publisher website. Remember DTU login.

Mathematics Physics


Provided by DTU Library. MedWatch is a web portal delivering trustworthy, independent, critical, and fair news about the medical and medico technical industry.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Medicine and Medico Technology


Suggested by DTU Library. Contains building guides for more than 85 construction details, the associated rules in the Danish Building Code (Bygningsreglementet), and an overview of membrane solutions in building codes, guides, publications, websites and videos. In Danish.

Construction and Mechanics

Mendeley - Institutional Edition

Provided and suggested by DTU Library. Mendeley is a reference management tool, useful for writing and collaboration, designed to organize, share and discover all types of information. Mendeley can be used to generate citations and bibliographies - works with Microsoft Word, Libre Office and even LaTeX/BibTeX/Overleaf. You can create a DTU account for the full benefits.

MEROPS - The Peptidase Database

Suggested by DTU Library. The MEROPS database is an information resource for peptidases (also termed proteases, proteinases and proteolytic enzymes) and the proteins that inhibit them. The Summary page describing a given peptidase can be reached by use of an index under its Name, MEROPS Identifier or Source Organism.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Medicine and Medico Technology

Mineralogy Database

Suggested by DTU Library. The Mineralogy database contains more than 4.400 individual mineral element descriptions with links and a comprehensive image library. Free to charge.

Chemistry Construction and Mechanics Physics Earth Sciences Materials

MOLIO Prisdata

Provided by DTU Library. MOLIO prisdata is a database that includes pricing for materials for construction and planning. Access requires you to download and install Sigma Browser. Previously named VogS prisdata


National Technical Reports Library - NTIS (US)

Suggested by DTU Library. NTIS provide access to US Federally-Funded Technical Reports within all subject areas. The tool contains millions of searchable papers, incl full-text (in PDF) to download.


OECD iLibrary

Suggested by DTU Library. Provides access to statistics, reports and books, both datasets and publications, from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)Read more

OERSI - Open Educational Resources Search Index

Used by DTU Library. OERSI is a search engine for free educational materials in higher education. OERSI connects OER repositories of distributed state initiatives, institutional repositories of universities and libraries, and subject-specialized repositories for OER.

Search and visualization tools


Suggested by DTU Library. OnePetro is an online library of technical literature for the oil and gas exploration production industry. It contains access to journals and conference papers and is operated by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). Several papers can be downloaded by the use of IP access.

Chemistry Energy Environment and Pollution Physics Transport and Logistics Earth Sciences Materials

Open Knowledge Maps

Suggested by DTU Library. A Knowledge Map presents you with a topical overview for your search query based on the 100 most relevant documents matching your query. This website uses text similarity to create the knowledge maps. The algorithm groups those documents together that have many words in common, and creates a visualization. Data used to present these maps are from either PubMed or BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine).

Search and visualization tools

Open Science

Provided by DTU Library. Includes Open Science guidelines and information needed to make your research outputs future-proof. Open Science is the movement to make scientific research and its dissemination accessible to all levels of an inquiring society, amateur or professional. This includes Open Access to publications and to research data. Both require their own approach as outlined here throughout the research life cycle.


Provided by DTU Library. Ordbogen is a dictionary, translating terms and expressions in Danish-English/English-Danish, Danish-German/German-Danish, and in other languages. Besides language, in general, the dictionary gives very extensive coverage within technical terms as well as information technology, medicine, and law, which makes it very interesting for everyone in engineering, trade, and industry.

Oxford English Dictionary

Provided by DTU Library. The Oxford English Dictionary is the accepted authority on the evolution of the English language over the last millennium. It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present, and past. It traces the usage of words through 2.5 million quotations.



Used by DTU Library Staff. Requires login. Perplexity is an AI research assistant using language models like ChatGPT-3. You can ask a question and Perplexity will show/locate relevant papers and summarise key information about those papers in a visual table. The tool harvests metadata from the Semantic Scholar Academic Graph dataset as well as Pubmed. Added to DTU Other search tools April 2024

Search and visualization tools

Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global

Provided by DTU Library. The Proquest Dissertations and Thesis database contains a comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, spanning from the year 1743 to the present day. Including both citations as well as full text for newer theses..


Provided and suggested by DTU Library. PubMED includes more than 25 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Subjects include the fields of biomedicine and health, covering portions of the life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering. Full-text linking is available for DTU Library licensed materials.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Food Fish and Agriculture Medicine and Medico Technology


RAP - DTU Research Analytics Platform

DTU RAP provides an overview of the researchers’, sections’, and departments’ research output and citation impact based on publications in Web of Science. Developed and operated by DTU Library, the platform is the primary data source when providing bibliometric analyses of DTU’s research publications at the level of the university, departments, sections, and researchers.

Research Analytics Bibliometrics

Reaxys Database

Provided by DTU Library. Reaxys is a search interface to the content of both Beilstein and Gmelin. Reaxys is a search and retrieval system for chemical compounds, chemical reactions, and bibliographic data. Relevant for Life science disciplines as well.

Space Research Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Construction and Mechanics Energy Environment and Pollution Food Fish and Agriculture Physics Medicine and Medico Technology Earth Sciences Materials

Research Rabbit

Used by DTU Library staff. Requires login, but free to use. In ResearchRabbit you can built up collections of interest, by adding from DOI, refererence management tools or manually. You can explore new ways of searching and discovering papers and authors, visualize the research landscape and share your finding. Added to DTU Other search tools July 2023

Search and visualization tools


Suggested by DTU Library. Retsinformation contains all danish rules and regulations, i.e. all acts passed by the Folketing (the Danish parliament) as well as statutory orders, circulars, etc. issued by the danish administration.


SAE Mobilus

Provided by DTU Library. Society for Automotive Engineers (SAE) Digital Library provides full-text access to journal articles and technical papers published by SAE International from 1998 to the present (My Access). You can also search the full collection to find references to standards, journal articles, technical papers, and magazines published by SAE International and other 30 publishers.

Information Technology Construction and Mechanics Transport and Logistics

SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System

Suggested by DTU Library. The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data system maintains three bibliographic databases containing millions of records within disciplines like Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics, and arXiv e-prints. DTU Library link to full-text when possible, using DTU login.

Space Research Chemistry Mathematics Physics Earth Sciences

SBI Anvisninger - Employee Access

Provided by DTU Library. SBI Anvisningerne contains access to all technical specifications and standardized practices in regard to construction, planning, and building. Employees should contact DTU Library at elibrary@dtu.dk to create an account.

Construction and Mechanics Energy Materials

SBI Anvisninger - Student Access

Provided by DTU Library. SBI Anvisningerne contains access to all technical specifications and standardized practices in regard to construction, planning, and building. DTU Students can create a SBI profile using their student e-mail.

Construction and Mechanics Energy Materials


Suggested by DTU Library. Scholia is a frontend to Wikidata’s scholarly section. Wikidata has over 40 million publications, some with links to authors, organizations, topics, and citations. Scholia is a service that creates visual scholarly profiles for topics, people, organizations, species, chemicals, etc, using bibliographic and other information in Wikidata. Scholia provides an overview of this data with an aggregated list of publications, various visualizations, and a search facility. Scholia is free to use.

Search and visualization tools Research Analytics Bibliometrics

Science Direct

Provided by DTU LIbrary. ScienceDirect by Elsevier contains online reference works, handbooks, and book series and journal articles. You have full text access to much of the information through your DTU login. Content is integrated with and searchable in DTU Findit.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Electrotechnology Construction and Mechanics Production and Management

Science Direct - Topics

Provided by DTU Library. These pages provide concept definitions and subject overviews for researchers who want to expand their knowledge about scholarly and technical terms. And the Topics are all derived from Elsevier encyclopedias, reference works and books. Easy to search for topics and keywords, and find the relevant content in which the topic is described and explained

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Electrotechnology Construction and Mechanics Production and Management

Science Report

Provided by DTU LIbrary. News, debate and highlights about danish research, scholarly communications and research politics.

Information Technology


Provided by DTU Library. SciFinder is a database from the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) of chemical and bibliographic information, with an emphasis on chemistry. All DTU students and employees have access. New users: use this link.


SCImago Journal and Country Rank

Suggested by DTU Library. SCImago is a portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus database (provided by Elsevier). These indicators can be used to assess and analyze scientific domains, and shows the visibility of the journals contained in the Scopus database from 1996 and forward.


Used by DTU Library Staff. An AI-powered research engine for the STEM area by private company PlutoLabs. Innovative recommendations, citations and an interesting new results interface. Added to DTU Other search tools July 2023.

Search and visualization tools

Scispace (typeset.io)

Used by DTU Library Staff. Login required. Scispace is an academic (AI-powered) tool to help you understand research papers better. You use prompts to ‘get closer to understandings and explanations’ of papers, and you can use filtering on many specific parts of the documents/contents like method sections, discussions and population used in the studies/papers.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Electrotechnology Construction and Mechanics Production and Management Information Technology Search and visualization tools


Provided by DTU Library. Proxy access for all at DTU, both Students and Researchers. The tool uses artificial intelligence to ‘get behind the citations’ - and provide a qualitative (and quantitative) entry to how scholarly publications are cited, based on ‘supporting citations’, ‘mentioned citations’, ‘contracting citations’, as well as undefined, all showing how papers are used and in which sections of a paper the citations appear.

Scite.AI can create ‘custom dashboards’ both based on searches from Scite.ai, but also with results from searches done in Scopus, Web of Science or more. These dashboards can be ‘analysed using the features in Scite.ai’ for data extraction, and all can be exported as a table for later use.

SciteAI also incorporate ‘Editorial notifications’ like Errors, Retractions, Errata, etc. It is possible to use SciteAI as an LLM engine, actually searching in scholarly papers - with real references. So ‘ask your research question’ in natural language, and get a result with scientific papers you can trust. SciteAI collects their information/data from several agreements with publishing houses, as well as Open Repositories and sources like Semantic Scholar, OpenAlex and CrossRef. Campus access as pr. 19/6 2024.

Search and visualization tools


Provided by DTU Library. Scopus is a multi-disciplinary database from Elsevier. The metadata is also searchable in DTU FindIt.

Bibliometrics Citation Index

Semantic Scholar

Suggested by DTU Library. Semantic Scholar is a search engine that uses AI technology to improve the search experience. It is very easy to filter your search results, and the tool is a nice supplement to a Google Scholar search. The topic coverage is primarily within Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Life Science, but expanding all the time.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Electrotechnology Construction and Mechanics Production and Management Information Technology Search and visualization tools


Suggested by DTU Library. Sigma-Aldrich is a product catalog for chemicals, reagents and laboratory equipment, including a.o. MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets).

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Medicine and Medico Technology


Provided by DTU Library. Access for DTU employees (Ph.d. students and Postdocs included). Silvi is a Danish-developed screening and data extraction tool based on AI technology, which supports a time-saving, transparent, and documentable process for conducting literature reviews. By using the tool, you will among other things, gain the benefits of multiple simultaneous users on a project, intuitive screening, transparent data extraction and automatic download of OA PDFs. Create a DTU account at https://app.silvi.ai/signup and remember to use your DTU email address when signing up.

Search and visualization tools

SPIE Digital Library

Provided by DTU Library. The SPIE Digital Library is the most extensive resource available on optics and photonics, providing unprecedented access to technical papers from SPIE Journals and Conference Proceedings from 1990 to the present. Content is integrated with and searchable in DTU Findit.

Space Research Chemistry Information Technology Construction and Mechanics Energy Electrotechnology Mathematics Physics Transport and Logistics Medicine and Medico Technology Earth Sciences

Springer Experiments

Provided by DTU LIbrary. Springer Experiments (formerly SpringerProtocols) is the largest subscription-based electronic database of reproducible laboratory protocols in the Life and Biomedical Sciences.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Medicine and Medico Technology


Provided by DTU Library. SpringerLink provides access to publications in various areas from Springer Publishing: Journals, reference works, books, and databases. The reference works and ebooks can be searched within full-text content. Full-text access to the part of SpringerLink that DTU Library provides the license to can be located and downloaded from DTU Findit.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Electrotechnology Construction and Mechanics Production and Management


Provided by DTU Library. SpringerMaterials provides access to curated data on 3000+ physical and chemical properties of 250,000+ materials and chemical systems. Data sources include the Landolt-Börnstein New Series, the Linus Pauling Files and specialized databases on thermophysical properties, polymer thermodynamics, adsorption isotherms and 32,000+ substance profiles

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Construction and Mechanics Environment and Pollution Physics Earth Sciences Materials



Provided by DTU Library. Tekniskkulturarv.dk provides scans of part of the historical collection at DTU, and also contains scanned versions of the old catalogue cards. On the site you will find full text scans of books from before 1920 as well as hundreds of photos from The Great Nordic Industrial Exhibition in Copenhagen in 1888.

TOXNET - Information

Suggested by DTU Library. TOXNET is not integrated into other tools and databases. PubCHEM and PubMED have integrated data on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health, and toxic releases. Find the links to the correct databases like HSDB, CCRIS, IRIS, PubMED/TOXLINE and GENE-TOX.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Food Fish and Agriculture Medicine and Medico Technology

Transport Research International Documentation

Suggested by DTU Library. TRID is an integrated database that combines the records from TRB’s Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) Database and the OECD’s Joint Transport Research Centre’s International Transport Research Documentation (ITRD) Database.

Construction and Mechanics Energy Environment and Pollution Physics Transport and Logistics


Ullmann´s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry

Provided by DTU LIbrary. Ullmann’ s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry is a well-established reference work detailing the science and technology in all areas of industrial chemistry. Subject areas include inorganic and organic chemicals, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, polymers and plastics, metals and alloys, biotechnology and biotechnological products, food chemistry, process engineering, and unit operations, analytical methods, and environmental protection.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Construction and Mechanics Physics Medicine and Medico Technology Earth Sciences Materials

Ulrichsweb - Global Serials Directory

Provided by DTU Library. Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory™ is a bibliographic database providing detailed, comprehensive, and authoritative information on serials published throughout the world.

United States Pharmacopeia - National Formulary

Provided by DTU Library. USP-NF contains information about the qualitative and quantitative composition of medicines, the tests to be carried out on medicines, the raw materials used in the production of medicines and the intermediates of synthesis. USP is an official quality standard for medicines marketed in the US.

Note: Please email elibrary@dtu.dk to be able to get access. Both DTU Login and Personal login is required. USP-NF is not for walk-in use.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Environment and Pollution Food Fish and Agriculture Standards


VCF Volatile Compounds in Food

Provided by DTU Library. VCF Volatile Compounds in Food is a database that contains information on published volatile compounds that have been found in natural (processed) food products. For each individual compound, additional information is given, such as CAS registry number, Molecular weight and formula, FLno (EU-Flavis number) and FEMA (GRAS) number. Click on SIGN IN IP ADDRESS to access the database. DTU provide access via CAMPUS IP, not remote login.


Used by DTU Library staff. Require downloads. VOSviewer is a software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks. These networks may for instance include journals, researchers, or individual publications, and they can be constructed based on citation, bibliographic coupling, co-citation, or co-authorship relations. VOSviewer also offers text mining functionality that can be used to construct and visualize co-occurrence networks of important terms extracted from a body of scientific literature.

Biotechnology and Biochemistry Chemistry Electrotechnology Construction and Mechanics Production and Management Information Technology Search and visualization tools


Web of Science

Provided by DTU Library. Web of Science consists of three databases containing information within in all areas of research: - Science Citation Index Expanded (1900-present); - Social Sciences Citation Index (1956-present); - Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975-present); - Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (1990-present) and Social Science and Humanities (1990-present). Content is integrated with and searchable in DTU Findit.

Bibliometrics Citation Index

Wiley Online Library

Provided by DTU Library. Wiley Online Library contains lots of online books and journal articles published by Wiley. DTU Library does not provide full-text access to all content. All subscribed material is integrated and searchable via DTU Findit for easy download.

Women´s Studies International

Provided by DTU Library. Women´s studies international covers the core disciplines in Women’s Studies and feminist research from 1972 to the present. Over 2,000 periodical sources are represented and more than 871,000 records are included. Women’s Studies International is a reference- and full-text database.


Zentrallblatt MATH

Provided by DTU Library. Zentralblatt MATH is the most complete and longest-running abstracting and reviewing service in pure and applied mathematics. Zentralblatt MATH has fully integrated the digitized Zentralblatt MATH Jahrbuch data covering the period 1868 - 1942.

Construction and Mechanics Mathematics Physics